'Stranger Things' Creators Respond to Abuse Claims

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From Cosmopolitan

Matt and Ross Duffer, the brothers who write, produce and direct Stranger Things, responded to a claim that they verbally abused women on the show set, according to Variety.

In a statement, the brothers said: "We are deeply upset to learn that someone felt uncomfortable on our set." The comment comes after Peyton Brown, a woman who works as a grip on the Stranger Things set, posted on Instagram that she would not be returning to help with season three, claiming she faced verbal abuse while at work. She didn't name the Duffer brothers in her post.

"I personally witnessed two men in high positions of power on that set seek out and verbally abuse multiple women," she wrote. "I promised myself that if I were ever in a situation to say something that I would. I have 11.5 thousand followers who can hear me say this, TIME IS UP. Women in the film industry are POWERFUL."

According to Variety, Netflix investigated the allegations and reportedly "found no wrongdoing." The statement from the Duffer brothers continues: "We think it is important not to mischaracterize our set, where we believe strongly in treating everyone fairly regardless of gender, orientation, race, religion, or anything else. We remain totally committed to providing a safe and collaborative working environment for everyone on our productions."

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