Here's How Shannon Purser Is Hoping to ‘Redefine’ Beauty Stereotypes

Sure, Shannon Purser was killed off Stranger Things (RIP Barb). But she’s redefining what beauty means with her brand-new role in Sierra Burgess Is a Loser, and we’re all for it. 

In a recent interview with Vogue, the actress revealed that although she isn’t a size 2, she’s hoping to break down barriers and represent a different kind of beautiful in Sierra Burgess Is a Loser

She said, “It’s definitely a responsibility because I do feel that I am part of a limited group of people who are representing a marginalized community, so there is a heavier weight on me to represent us well and to help redefine what the industry’s definition of beauty is. Who’s worthy of being a romantic lead or a lead in general?”

Purser went on to explain how her character is the “antihero,” adding, “[Sierra] can make some very questionable ethical decisions, and I don’t think there’s a lot of room for that in female characters, especially not young teen girls.”

The 21-year-old admitted that if there’s one thing she wants people to take away from Sierra Burgess Is a Loser, it’s self-respect.

“I hope that it will encourage people to love and embrace themselves for who they are, and [know] that they are worthy of love and love stories,” she added. “I don’t know if it’s necessarily a comment on body positivity, although I guess my existence in the industry is a comment on body positivity just because there is so little representation when it comes to plus-size women.”

In Barb we trust. Sierra Burgess Is a Loser hits Netflix tomorrow, September 7.

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