This Is What It's Really Like to Plan a Secret Celebrity Plastic Surgery Appointment

When it comes to plastic surgery, celebrities live in a constant state of denial. But thumb through any tabloid magazine and you’ll spot grainy, paparazzi images of starlets trying to hide bruised, recently plumped lips, swollen, just-chiseled noses, or even too-tight, newly lifted faces. While this alone pretty much confirms that celebrities are fans physical alteration, it’s pretty rare for a celebrity to blatantly admit to having work done. Therefore, none of us actually know for sure if they’ve been cosmetically enhanced—unless you’re their doctor, of course.

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So, how exactly do the men and women behind those perfectly symmetrical, Hollywood faces pull off these top secret appointments? Well, it’s just as complicated as you may have guessed. While celebrity doctors have obviously been sworn to secrecy (and required by law) to never reveal confidential patient information, we found a few physicians who were willing to tell us their process for coordinating secret celebrity procedures, as well as which treatments their elite clientele are coming in for most often. Read on!

How are these top secret appointments booked?
“Celebrity appointments are generally very discreet. They are booked by assistants and paid for by third party companies. They’re in and out without ever having to say a word to the administrative staff. Also, celebrities tend to have regular or standing appointments to maintain their smooth, fresh appearance. They can't afford to have things slide, literally.” –Santa Monica, CA, dermatologist, Ava Shamban, MD

“Their people call my people and my office manager works with them to book an appointment when we’re not too busy.” —Beverly Hills, CA, dermatologist, Rhonda Rand, MD

How do celebrities surpass paparazzi on their way into their appointment?
“We sneak celebrity clients in through a back entrance to our building that nobody knows about. Celebrities will come in the unmarked back door, up a rarely used staircase and straight into a separate waiting room with black curtains. Paparazzi cannot hang out in the alleys since it's against the law, so this back entrance is key.” —Dr. Rand

"We book certain celebrities very early in the morning before regular hours or on the weekend." —Dr. Shamban

Is there a separate waiting room for these A-listers?
“No, with true celebrities, we try to arrange for an appointment date and time when no one else is on the schedule, to provide for more privacy.” —Beverly Hills, CA, plastic surgeon, Andrew Ordon, MD

“No, we typically have a staff member waiting for them by the back door and they’re roomed as soon as they come in.” —Dr. Shamban

“Yes, we have a small separate waiting room near the back entrance. It has black curtains and it’s very private. We’ll take picture in there before the treatment and when the coast is clear, we’ll move the celebrity into the exam room.” —Dr. Rand

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Are celebrity appointments booked under their own name?
“No, a pseudonym.” —Dr. Shamban

“They book under their own name; everybody in my office knows to never talk about it.” —Dr. Rand

What kind of procedures do your celebrity clientele come in for most?
"Everything from facials and fillers to lasers, tissue tighteners and body sculpting." —Dr. Shamban

"A lot of different lasers, peels, Botox, fillers, skin-tightening procedures, hair removal...a lot of that kind of thing." —Dr. Rand

How do you cover up bruising and marks post-procedure?
“Sometimes a Band-Aid will do, so if they are photographed it looks like a dermatology procedure. Or, we laser the bruises and ice any swelling." —Dr. Shamban

“We provide makeup here for people if they want it after a procedure.” —Dr. Rand

Where do celebrities go to recover in secret after a plastic surgery procedure? 
“We are able to provide full after-care for post-surgical patients with well-trained nurses, both in and out of our facility. When patients are released, we recommend after care with a skilled nurse in the home, or at the Peninsula in Beverly Hills or the Omni Rancho Las Palms in Rancho Mirage. Both hotels are minutes from our surgical centers.” —Dr. Ordon

Do you ever see your celebrity clients publicly deny having work done?
"Oh absolutely! We get such a laugh out of it at the office." —Dr. Rand

"Yes, all the time. We have this unrealistic expectation of celebrities that they look fabulous all the time with only hair salons and makeup." —Dr. Shamban