You're More Likely to Have Your Lost Wallet Returned If You Keep One of These Inside

You're More Likely to Have Your Lost Wallet Returned If You Keep One of These Inside

We'd all like to believe that if someone were to find your lost wallet, they'd do everything in their power to get it back to you -- but sadly, that's not *always* the case.

BUT according to financial expert Alexa Von Tobel, keeping one thing in there at all times may increase those chances.

Whatever could it be?


"If you keep a baby photo in your wallet, you are significantly more likely to have your wallet returned if you lose it," Alexa explains. "Even if it's not your baby!"

RELATED: Just in Case You Ever Lose Your Wallet, Make Sure You Do THIS

Perhaps those innocent little eyes staring back at people push them to do the right thing?!

(And for the record, Rach, we think Isaboo's pretty face would do the trick just fine!)

As for what else should and shouldn't be living in your wallet, the financial guru suggests never having more than $100 in your wallet at any given time.

(Oh, and don't keep all of your gift cards in there, either. That's still money!)

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