Who's Giving Meghan & Harry's Wedding Address

Photo credit: Kensington Palace
Photo credit: Kensington Palace

From Cosmopolitan

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will wed one week from today at St. George's Chapel in Windsor (ahhhh!), and the big announcements just keep a' coming! Today, Kensington Palace shared the news that Bishop Michael Bruce Curry will give the address on the big day.

The news was announced, per usual, on Kensington Palace's Twitter account. "Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle have asked that The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry, the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, give the address at their wedding"

On the royal family's website, the announcement read:

Presiding Bishop Curry, from Chicago Illinois, will travel to Windsor to take part in the Service. He will join The Dean of Windsor, The Rt. Revd. David Conner, who will conduct the Service. The Most Revd. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, will officiate as the couple make their marriage vows.

The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry said: "The love that has brought and will bind Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle together has its source and origin in God, and is the key to life and happiness. And so we celebrate and pray for them today."

A source told People that although Harry and Meghan don't personally know Curry personally, they think he's "a wonderful speaker and preacher, it would be highly appropriate for him to be invited to speak."

Also announced were Dean of Windsor, the Rt. Revd. David Conner, who will conduct the Service and the Most Revd. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, who will officiate Meghan and Harry's marriage vows.

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