There's a Deleted Scene From 'Bird Box' That Reveals the Identity of the Creatures

Photo credit: Saeed Adyani - Netflix
Photo credit: Saeed Adyani - Netflix

From Good Housekeeping

Over 45 million Netflix members viewed the streaming service's newest thriller, Bird Box, since it premiered seven days ago. And if there's one thing majority of viewers can agree on after watching the film, it's that one of the biggest mysteries in the film was the identity of the dark creature that caused mass suicides across the world. Gary (the homicidal antagonist in the film) gave viewers a glimpse of what the creature could possibly look like when he drew images of a dark figure, but according to a new interview with Bloody Disgusting, the Bird Box cast revealed the creatures were And gross.

“It was a green man with a horrific baby face,” star Sandra Bullock told the outlet. “It was snake-like, and I was like, ‘I don’t want to see it when it first happens. Just bring it into the room. We’ll shoot the scene.’ I turn and he’s like this [growling at me.] It’s making me laugh. It was just a long fat baby.”

However, director Susanne Bier decided not to include the "long fat baby" because she believed the film would be stronger without the image of the creature. Where's the fun in knowing what the powerful entity driving thousands to kill themselves actually looks like?

"Whatever those beings are, they tap into your deepest fear," Bier added. "Everybody’s deepest fear is going to be different from the other person. I think to suddenly take upon a concrete shape in order to illustrate that becomes weak. Where the conceit is really strong, then trying to illustrate it is kind of almost meaningless. So it would have been the wrong decision.”

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