What's Your Chronotype? Take The Sleep Doctor's Quiz

Take Dr. Michael Breus' chronotype quiz to find out what kind of sleeper you are — a dolphin, lion, bear or wolf.

What's Your Chronotype? Take The Sleep Doctor's Quiz

What is a "Chronotype"?

Every person has a master biological clock ticking away inside of their brain, and dozens of smaller biological clocks throughout his or her body.

But, unlike a normal clock, not every person's biological clock keeps the same time or even at the same pace. If you've ever heard someone say, "I'm not a morning person", well there's a reason for that. Some people are meant to be more productive in the morning than at night, and vice versa.

Believe it or not – your body has been programmed to function much better at certain times of the day than others. Based on general morningness and eveningness preferences, different people fall into different classifications, called "Chronotypes".

Each Chronotype will reveal exactly what you need to do to work with your body, not against it.

To better understand your biological programming and discover which Chronotype best fits you, click Start Quiz and answer each of the questions to the best of your ability. Each question has been carefully crafted to place you in the right Chronotype category so, for the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as you possibly can.

There are four Chronotypes (Dolphin, Lion, Bear, and Wolf), and most people fit into the "Bear" category. Which Chronotype will you fall under? Click here to take the quiz and find out now!

Adapted from Chronoquiz.com. Used with permission by Dr. Michael Breus.