'Animal Crossing' Is Launching an App

Photo credit: Nintendo
Photo credit: Nintendo

From Cosmopolitan

What’s fun about 2017 is that while the world (melts/implodes/choose your own adventure) around us, gaming companies of yore have decided it’s the perfect time to bring back the technology that defined our childhoods. First, the tamagotchi. Next, the Game Boy. Now, Mashable reports, Nintendo is revamping Animal Crossing.

For those of you who didn’t play the game, get the fuck out of this post Animal Crossing followed you, a lil human-y thing, around a new neighborhood. You were meant to make friends with your lil animal-y neighbors and build out and expand your home. You did this for no reason other than that it was 2001 and it was FUN.

This time around, Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, follows the same format, except you’re doing it all on a campsite. Your character is more customizable, as is your trailer and the kinds of furniture you can build out.

Photo credit: Nintendo
Photo credit: Nintendo

Per The Verge, the game is due out late November on iOS and Androids. The game’s site says it’ll be available for download in the App Store then.

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