Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy Release Date Announced

Apollo Justice splash screenshots

The next Ace Attorney Trilogy, focused on Phoenix Wright’s successor Apollo Justice, was announced what seems like an eternity ago, and despite it showing up several times in various presentations since then, it still seemed far off. Now we finally have a release date for the trilogy, and we only have to wait a little bit longer.

During Capcom’s Tokyo Game Show presentation yesterday, the company showed off a host of updates for previously announced games. Alongside updates for Dragon’s Dogma 2, Exoprimal, and Resident Evil 4 remake was an actual release date for Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy: January 25, 2024.

The Apollo Justice trilogy is a series of three games – Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies, and Spirit of Justice – that make up the second half of the Ace Attorney series. Calling it the Apollo Justice Trilogy is probably a bit of a stretch though — while Apollo is the lead in the game of his namesake, he very much shares the spotlight with Phoenix Wright and another attorney in subsequent games.

Apollo Justice is somewhat of a fan favorite in the series, while Dual Destinies is generally seen to be the series’ low point. Spirit of Justice took a step in the right direction, although it still fell short in the eyes of many fans. No new games have been announced in the series in quite some time, although other trilogies have been ported to modern platforms too, including 2021’s fantastic The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.

The Apollo Justice Trilogy will feature all three games, their DLC, as well as a host of additional content, like a gallery, music player, cutscene viewer, and more. They’ve also been skilfully remastered, with Apollo Justice’s 2D artwork upscaled and redrawn, and the subsequent 3D games rendered in HD — resulting in a game that looks fantastic across the board.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy will launch on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on January 25, 2024.