Anthony Bourdain Details His Dinner with President Obama

Two dudes grabbing a $6 dinner at a tiny restaurant on a crowded street in Hanoi, Vietnam, isn’t usually an international headline grabbing affair, but when President Obama dined with Anthony Bourdain on Tuesday, people around the world weren’t content with waiting until the next season of Bourdain’s Parts Unknown in September to get all the details.

Perhaps understanding this eagerness for information, yesterday Bourdain decided to take to the app to pen a post entitled “Six true things about dinner with Obama.” Here’s what we learned:

First, the POTUS is “very comfortable” with chopsticks. Second, Bourdain refers to the President as “an Asiaphile.” Third, Obama “clearly enjoyed sitting on a low plastic stool eating bun Cha.” Who knew that the President had an affinity for stools? I’m guessing no one. I’m not sure I’d even consider that a bona fide fact after I read it.


Fourth, the visit from the President elicited a major reaction: “People were actually crying the next day,” Bourdain wrote. Fifth, Obama is one friendly dude. “He was among the very few guests on my show who ever asked the camera crew if they got to eat too,” wrote Bourdain. “And he made a point of taking a picture with all of them when we were done.” And lastly, the famed chef mentioned something we already know about our president: “I believe he enjoyed that beer.”

So there you have it. Hopefully that’s enough info to tide you over until September. I am left with two major questions though: What the hell is the app And is Anthony Bourdain the only person on it?? That would be a pretty cool app: I imagine it being like Twitter but the only one who is allowed to post is Anthony Bourdain.