Another Angle Emerges Of Racer's Spectacular Wheel Explosion

The footage of Camilo Sanchez absolutely exploding mid-run made the rounds last week and, from the angle it was shot at, it looked like his wheel exploded under a relatively normal load for racing.

But, as you will soon see through this new angle, the rider went a little bit bigger than the original made it seem.

Check out the side view below.

As you can see, he aired that ladder roll basically out to flat. So, it stands to reason why his wheel didn't hold up.

This crash also looks so much worse from the side and in real-time. It is frankly remarkable that Camilo was relatively alright after this, though the same could not be said for his bike.

Here is the original angle of his crash.

Related: Bike Explodes Mid Run - "We're Going To Need A Stronger Wheel"

Camilo was one of the youngest riders invited to Red Bull Hardline this year and it would be really great to see him get an invite to the new Hardline series that is slated to take place next year.

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