What the Angels Are Trying to Tell You If You Keep Seeing 999

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When you really stop to think about it, chances are, you likely have seen numbers — 1111, 777, 888, 123, etc. — pop up repeatedly in life, and perhaps, during significant times. These are called angel numbers.

Angel numbers are a repetitive sequence of two, three or four numbers that appear in seemingly random places in your life to convey a spiritual or divine message. According to Alex Getts, an astrologer and tarot reader of nearly 20 years, angel numbers carry information from the spiritual realm "They’re little 'nudges' or signs that guide us in the right direction. When our spirit guides want to communicate with us, such as to signal that we should keep moving forward in a challenging endeavor or make a big leap we’ve been considering, they will often use numbers as signals." In addition to the ones mentioned above, there are other angel numbers, like: 222, 333, 555, 1212, 444 — just to name a few.

"When you have the experience of seeing the same repeating numbers over and over everywhere you go, you’re receiving a message that should not be ignored," says Linda Berry, “angel whisperer,” and spiritual coach. Whether it's on a clock, a license plate, a phone number, or on a sign, when you see angel numbers repeated (on at least three separate occasions), "it's like a beacon from your celestial team of angels getting your attention to remind you or confirm something in your life," Berry adds.

If the number 9 in some way, shape, or form has been following you, read on to learn about its importance.

In numerology

We love the humanitarian and philanthropic vibe that this number represents. "In numerology, 9 is a primary number and represents selfless and benevolent energy that sacrifices for the benefit of others," says Berry. "It’s the most intuitive, sensitive, and spiritual of all the numbers and brings forgiveness, empathy, as well as a giving and forgiving feeling to all endeavors."

angel number 999
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When doubled to "99," the energy of the number increases to indicate a sacrifice for a larger goal, says Berry. Think: ministry, healing, or teaching.

Spiritual meaning

When it comes to spirituality, the number 9 (or 99 or 099) is all about compassion, tolerance, open-mindedness, and general goodwill toward mankind. "This number encourages sensitivity to others' needs and feelings as well as being generous with one's time and talents," Berry points out.

It also means the ending of a situation is important to note. "Every ending is a lesson, and this number is acknowledging that a significant journey in your life has ended," says Mystic Michaela, author of The Angel Numbers Book, podcast host of "Know Your Aura with Mystic Michaela." "Seeing this number is a message that it's time to mourn what was, and take time to understand what it meant to you on your journey."

That's your cue to look back and reflect in order to move on successfully.

999 angel number meaning

"The number 999 symbolizes completing a cycle in your life, which can be linked to several areas such as career, relationships, spiritual growth," according to Johanna Aúgusta, a licensed therapist, astrologer, and numerologist at MinistryofNumerology.com. "It is a message from the angels that you have finished one phase in your life, and it’s time to move on and explore the next."

When you see 999 appear in your daily life, there's a bigger meaning behind it. Berry stresses to play close attention to this number — especially if you see it frequently over a short period of time. "It is telling you to have trust in divine timing. What you’ve been working toward, whether it be life goals, relationships, or even career possibilities, will begin to materialize," Berry explains. "Your Angels are reminding you to keep your eyes and ears open for what they want you to see and know in order to bring things to fruition."

Love and relationships

Since angel number 999 symbolizes sacrifice, compassion, and loyalty, when it comes to your love life and relationships (whether it's family or romantic), you have to exude empathy. Be open to forgiving yourself or others, for starters, in order to bring about healing if that's what's needed. Berry reminds that 999 encourages trust, respect, and a sense of security, which is so aligned with love — romantic or not.

Mystic Michaela also sums up the number in terms of these significant relationships in your life:

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"It also represents the characteristics of intuition, wisdom, and inner knowledge," Berry explains. "The 999 energy is that of the spiritual teacher, whether it’s in the form of learning from relationships or being the teacher in them. One must be willing to evolve at this time in order to be supported and grow on one’s life path."

Aúgusta says 999 is also a sign of completion. "It’s warning you that this particular phase in your relationship is ending, and it’s time to explore something different," she explains. "This could mean getting out of a toxic relationship or exploring new possibilities with someone else." So, take action, don't just stand still.

Money and career

When it comes to career and money, 999 is a sign that you're in a transition. You might be switching jobs or exploring a new way to make money, Aúgusta points out.

But don't be afraid of change! "Of all the angel numbers, this is the one that symbolizes intelligence and brilliance, as well as power," Berry points out. "It brings increased intelligent levels, whether it's through study, common sense or even street smarts. The wisdom gained at this time helps one to make proper decisions in all areas of career and finances."

Regardless of what's going on in your life, when you see the number 999 present itself, proceed positively to bring about good change. "It can benefit by influencing others for good in the workforce or as an instrument of positive change in one's work, career choice or even avenues of income," Berry adds.

You might also want to consider getting involved in selfless volunteer work in your community, Berry suggests. "If [you are] an entrepreneur, it’s a sign to financially give back to the community that supports the success of one’s business," she adds.


"When seeing this number it’s time to let go of unnecessary fears and replace them with a persona of compassion. By freeing one's life from fearful negativity and stress, self-care at this time is important to open up to new possibilities in overall wellness," Berry says.

Angel number 999 can also bring about new beginnings in living a healthier life. But you'll need faith and patience, Berry says. "Pay attention to guided signs from the universe even if it seems like nothing is changing," she adds. "As fear and doubt are released, miracles can begin to happen from the magic of this number."

What to do when you see 999

When you see 999 around, it could be a sign that your angels are trying to tell you to reflect on your current situation and figure out what changes you need to make, says Aúgusta. "I recommend keeping a personal journal and writing down your thoughts. Doing this will make it easier to decode the hidden message of 999 and make positive changes in your life," she adds.

"When the number 999 continues to be seen, it’s an indication that the selfless and benevolent quality of the number 9 is needed in all aspects of life," Berry points out. Consider making a sacrifice of money, time, or energy to help create the world you want to live in.

The bottom line: The empathy that the angel number 999 stands for truly feels like you're in good hands. As you transition from one phase of your life to the next, find comfort in your angels being there for you through the process. Reflect on your current situation, so you can move on with grace. "Know that [your angels are] with you as things begin to change for the better," says Berry. "You must stay focused and alert to messages from them as they bring opportunities and synchronicities in a step-by-step manner."

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