Angelina Jolie Just Started Her Own YouTube Channel

Angelina Jolie has had a busy few weeks, from dropping her son off at college to making an appearance over the weekend to promote her new movie, Maleficent: Mistresses of Evil. And somewhere in between, she found time to start her own official YouTube channel.

The verified channel, which was created about two weeks ago, is relatively low-key — it has just over 6,000 subscribers at the moment. Those of us hoping for an Angelina Jolie beauty tutorial, however, will probably be disappointed. So far, the only two videos on it are a keynote address at the 2019 General Assembly Ministerial Meeting, and another speech at The Hollywood Reporter's Women in Entertainment Breakfast in 2017.

According to the "About" page of her channel, she'll be using it to focus on her role as a UN Special Envoy.

"After years of dedicated service to UNHCR and the cause of refugees, Angelina Jolie was appointed Special Envoy in April 2012," the page reads. "In her expanded role, Jolie focuses on major crises that result in mass population displacements, undertaking advocacy and representing UNHCR and the High Commissioner at the diplomatic level. She also engages with decision-makers on global displacement issues. Through this work, she has helped contribute to the vital process of finding solutions for people forced to flee their homes."

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Earlier this year, she also took on a role as Contributing Editor at Time magazine, in order to spotlight topics such as displacement, conflict and human rights.

Leave it to the one and only Angelina Jolie to redefine "YouTuber" as we know it.