The Angel Number 1144 Brings an Important Message About Love

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Buckleitner

You just left a great first date. You laughed, you blushed, and time just flew by. As you’re leaving the restaurant, you look at your phone for what might be the first time all night (because it was that good) and your phone screen lights up with the time: 11:44pm. You stop for a second: Wait, what does that mean? Is the universe trying to tell me something? Yes, that 1144 wasn’t just a sign that you’ve been out late; it was a message! Let me explain:

What is an Angel Number?

Angel numbers are sequences that repeat a number more than once (like 1111 or 666); a date or number that is significant to you (like your birthday or your passed uncle’s lucky number), or any palindromic number (like 121). Each number sequence has its own significance, but any angel number is meant to signal that you’re receiving a message from your guides.

What does Angel Number 1144 mean?

1144 is a combination of 1s and 4s. Separately, these numbers have special meanings on their own.

1 is a symbol of union and alignment. It’s considered to be one of the most powerful numbers, a “god number," and a good omen.

4 is a number of stabilization and commitment, and a sign to hunker down and get clear on your priorities.

Together, with both numbers repeating and next to one another, 1144 is a symbol for needing to understand how to combine or balance the spiritual and the material.

A 1144 sighting points to a need for recognition that yes, everything is in divine alignment and in your favor, but you can make the process much smoother if you have your worldly affairs in order—particularly your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

What does 1144 mean for love?

When you left your date and saw 1144, it was a reminder to not lose yourself in love—that yes, there is something beautiful and divine unfolding, but don’t get carried away! Lean into your own power as an individual (the 1), and also recognize where your strengths are in giving and receiving as a partner. Focus on making sure your side of the street is clean (the 4), so to speak, before inviting someone else into your space.

If you’re single, the same advice applies. The universe is telling you to make sure you are happy and solid in your own life because a union that will require you to step up in new ways and will require a solid foundation is close by.

In love, 1144 is a sign to trust the process of all unions—they are all incredible and special lessons and opportunities—and also not to lose yourself or your grounding because of it.

What should you do if you keep seeing Angel Number 1144?

If you keep seeing the number 1144, take some time to get your priorities straight! Write down what you’re committed to and won’t waver from, no matter what (or who) comes your way. Get clear on where you are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually and tend to any areas that seem chaotic or lacking.

This is your life, and anything that comes in from the outside—be it an angel number or a new love—is here to help you learn, grow, evolve, and trust yourself. Use every opportunity you can to check in with yourself, and know that you are guided and loved even when it’s hard to see so!

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