Angel Fire Removing Snow To Prep For Bike Season

For many resorts, springtime is a very busy time of year. The process of transitioning from skiing to biking is not an easy one.

See the crew at Angel Fire Bike Park in New Mexico putting in work to get the mountain ready for bike operations below.

In this video, snow cats pushed snow off the path where bikers will go. Though there is still far too much snow to ride, bike park season is right around the corner.

To get an update on snow levels on different parts of the mountain, see their helpful webcams.

Waiting for the snow to melt is a tale as old as time for high mountain bike parks. Last summer, pictures went viral of the Deer Valley Resort trail crew clearing a path through a human-height snowpack just to get bike trails open.

Mammoth Mountain’s bike park was still affected by snow until August!

Related: Mammoth Mountain's Record Snow Has Finally Melted, Mountain Bikers Are Rejoicing

Thankfully for southwest mountain bikers, Angel Fire did not get as much snow as those extreme examples and has received 151 inches this winter. The trails should be clear sooner than later.

Angel Fire is a popular bike park and ski resort in New Mexico. The resort will open for biking on May 17.

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