Amy Sedaris's Rainbow Home Is Giving Me Life

Photo credit: John Shearer - Getty Images
Photo credit: John Shearer - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

Even though making changes to an apartment might mean you won't get your security deposit back, "personality fees," as actress Amy Sedaris calls them, are worth it-most of the time. Especially if it means your apartment could be as vibrant as her colorful Greenwich Village retreat, which is-dare I say-one of the most fun New York City apartments I've ever seen.

Maybe it's the fact that her male rabbit, Tina (yea, she found out he was a boy later in his life), has free range of her abode. He even leaves scratches and nibble marks all over her furniture-which she neatly covered up with cute patches on her couch. It's really part of the charm.

Or perhaps it's the various other quirky items she has around, as seen in an exclusive video for New York Magazine's The Cut, like her lamp made of wig swatches that she literally has to steam when it gets humid out to "fight the frizz." Yes, this is a real thing she says she does...For another, she has an enviable rainbow bookshelf where each of her books are organized perfectly by color.

This, she says, makes it nearly impossible to get rid of books because she can't ruin any of her color sections. While it makes sense why she wouldn't want to mess up her rainbow decor, it's probably safe to say Marie Kondo wouldn't want to hear about Amy keeping books around that 1) she won't read again and 2) that don't spark joy just to maintain a color scheme.

Rabbit, wig lamp, and rainbow bookshelf aside, a tour through her apartment proves she left no space untouched. From a fake frosted beer can from Tokyo, to strings of paper roses made by her sister, to a craft room she calls "the baby's room," Amy's NYC home is truly one-of-a-kind. I'm just jealous I can't see it for myself.

Watch the full apartment tour from The Cut here to see it all for yourself:

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