Amy Schumer Posted A Postpartum Photo Wearing Nothing But A Bra And Hospital Underwear

Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images

From Delish

  • Amy Schumer posted a super realistic postpartum photo, and most of the internet hopped into her comments to be supportive, while others decided to be shame-y about it.

  • She and husband Chris Fischer welcomed a son in early May, named Gene Attell Fischer.

Amy Schumer is nothing if not brutally honest. All throughout her pregnancy, she's been serving truth bomb after truth bomb about what it's like to be going through that process. The postpartum life has been no different.

She just posted the above picture, in which she is literally wearing nothing but a bra and hospital underwear, while on a walk with her son, Gene. The caption was, "5 weeks. Hospital underwear for life!" RESPECT, AMY.

A bunch of her celebrity friends commented to tell her how much they appreciated her spotlighting how hard it is to actually be a mom/give birth/pull your life together when a literal kid has just been pulled out of you.

Tess Holliday wrote, "Thanks for being so raw and vulnerable about the realities of post partum life. There is so much pressure placed on new moms to “bounce back” & it’s not real life. You’re doing amazing & you’re amazing & those hospital undies are COMFYYYYY💕💕💕"

Colleen Ballinger (aka Miranda Sings), wrote, "I was more of a diaper gal myself. but the hospital underwear was glorious too." "YESSSSS" Kristen Bell wrote. Even Snooki, who is the literal queen of moments like this, wrote "DEAD."

Unfortunately, there were some haters who hopped into the comments to let her know they thought posting the photo wasn't cool, basically saying she should try a little harder to look more presentable.

To those people, I respectfully say (on behalf of Amy)... shove it.

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