Among Other Things, Kanye West Revealed His iPhone Passcode During His Meeting With President Trump

Photo credit: SAUL LOEB - Getty Images
Photo credit: SAUL LOEB - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Photo credit: SAUL LOEB - Getty Images
Photo credit: SAUL LOEB - Getty Images

Today, Kanye West had an Oval Office meeting with President Trump. They talked about many things, including the fact that Apple should be creating airplanes (Kanye's idea) and the fact that Kanye should run for office in 2024 (Trump's idea, and also Kanye's).

But while they were there, reporters caught Kanye unlocking his phone on video, and his passcode is... quite shocking. Please, prepare yourselves for this.

It's... 000000. This man's passcode is 000000. One of the most famous musical voices of our generation, the man who created his own fashion line, married into the Kardashian empire, and has 21 Grammy Awards, has as passcode that your mom could beat. The only thing less surprising than this would be if it was 111111.

I mean, I can think of like ten other things that would be more secure than this but would also be just as easy to remember. Like, for example, the name YEEZUS? Or like, the 4-digit KimK? Kanye, do better!

On the bright side, at least he went with the more secure 6-digit option instead of the 4. Plus, now you know what his code is if you ever happen to be in the same room. Think about all the famous contacts you could steal! Jk, obvs.

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