America’s Most Affordable Food City Will Surprise You

What city offers the best bang for your buck when it comes to food? Would you believe it’s Orlando, Florida? That’s according to a painstaking analysis by Wallet Hub, a sort of budding Yelp for finances. The data, compiled from the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and several other substantial homes of statistical analysis, assessed cities in two categories: affordability of food and quality of food. Affordability, as you might expect, took into account things like the price of groceries and sales tax. For quality of food, analysts looked at access to farmers’ markets and CSAs, and the number of craft breweries, wineries and specialty food shops to give a fuller picture of the eating landscape.

After balancing affordability and quality, the results are a bit surprising. Check out the interactive map below to see how your city stacks up.

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