This Amazon Shopping Hack will Keep Your Christmas Gifts a Surprise

Amazon Boxes with Santa Hat
Amazon Boxes with Santa Hat

iStock/Getty Images

As online shopping, particularly on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, continues to grow, it's getting increasingly harder and harder for consumers to hide their holiday gifts. For all of its convenience, shopping on Amazon does pose a big problem when it comes to packaging.

Instead of gifts being wrapped in the online retailer's simple brown packaging so as not to spoil the Christmas surprise, some consumers are complaining that packages are being labeled and delivered in the original box, sans Amazon's frustration-free packaging.

If the concealed cardboard packaging is what stands in between your child or spouse knowing exactly what you've purchased for them, there's one thing you can do to—short of intercepting the present from the delivery person. To keep things hush-hush, simply check "gift" at checkout. Do this, and your secret will be safe with Amazon (and Santa).

According to an Amazon representative, you should select the "gift" option during checkout or mark "Ship in Amazon box" on the checkout page to ensure your special gift remains a surprise.

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In addition, Amazon also has a "Don't spoil my surprises" option for its wish list feature that marks bought items as unpurchased. With this feature, you can cover your online trail, just in case you have a child or spouse who shares your computer or mobile device.

Whew! Consider your Amazon shopping problem solved for Christmas.