The Amazon Prime Find That's Good for the Planet *and* Our Iced Coffee

We’re sure you’ve heard: Summer 2018 is the season of plastic straw bans. Ever since environmental activists shed light on the plastic crisis, corporations like Starbucks and McDonald’s (and potentially entire cities like NYC) are doing away with disposable straws. And while we applaud their efforts and stand behind the movement, we’re still left wondering if our iced coffee imbibing will ever be the same. (Cold brew sans straw? But how will we go on?)

Well, we don’t have to wonder anymore. (Dramatic music, commence.) The URMax Collapsible Stainless Steel Straw is about to make our drink consumption environmentally sound and hygienic. 

Here’s the gist: Plastic straws are harmful to the environment. Paper straws get soggy, and even though they look cute, they’re just not going to cut it. Metal straws seemed like the answer, until we were at a loss of where to store them while on the go. Let them float around the inside pocket of your handbag? Gross. Put them in plastic bags to keep purse crumbs out? That’s a no (re: plastic).

So as you can imagine, we’re ecstatic to find that collapsible versions do exist—and you can get one in as little as two days on Amazon Prime. This particular collapsible straw not only comes with a carrying case for germ-free storage, but it’s also equipped with a cleaning brush that fits conveniently in said carrying case. Sip iced coffee in the morning, rinse, guzzle your daily intake of H20, rinse and store it away for tomorrow. You really can have it all.

Buy Now ($15)

RELATED: The Best Reusable Straws on Amazon

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