Amazon Faces Backlash Over Pro-Slavery Clothes for Children

People are now canceling their Amazon accounts. sold apparel for children and babies that reads, “Slavery Gets Sh** Done” and people aren't happy about it. The brand has been called out by shoppers as well as an anti-slavery campaign for their choice of product, which includes bibs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, totes…the list goes on.

Global Citizen reported that, after the uproar over products, removed them from their online selection. They also issued a statement to the publication that read, “All Marketplace sellers must follow out selling guidelines and those who don’t will be subject to action including potential removal of their account. The products are no longer available.” The question still remains: How were these products able to enter the marketplace in the first place?

Some users tweeted out, “What in the hell is this? Slavery gets sht done?? Guess I’m cancelling my Amazon Prime subscription now.” Yet another wrote, “@amazon how lovely is this? A little white boy with a highly insensitive and ignorant ‘Slavery Gets Sht Done’ bib on. Hmm…did they pick the cotton right amazon? Or no? Gotta love 2018, what a great start.” Anti-Slavery International shared the products with their followers, writing, “Absolutely shocking t-shirts! Come on @amazon, you should do better to control what you sell.” Twitter was immediately ablaze with similar sentiments.

This is not the first time Amazon has dealt with situations like this. Just this fall, they were similarly called out for selling a sweatshirt that read “Anorexia: Like Bulimia, except with self control.” Amazon has yet to make a statement as to how they are better going to control their product selection before it hits their site, versus dealing with the fallout afterwards.

Related: Shoppers Say This American Eagle "Shackle" Bracelet Reminds Them of Slavery

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