People Are Sharing The Things They Spend "Unjustifiable Amounts Of Money" On, And Some Of These I Didn't Even Know Existed

I'm sure a lot of you have hobbies and interests that maybe you spend a little too much money on, if you can. I know I can speak for myself when I say this.

a credit card being used at a cashier
Jordi Salas / Getty Images

I personally am a sucker for all things makeup, skincare, and hair so I do some girl math to justify what I spend from time to time. So I was of course intrigued when I saw this Reddit thread where u/dani_is_thinking asked, "What's that one interest that you spend unjustifiable amounts of money on?" Here is what some people had to say.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

1."Eating out. I pick it up myself because I'm not paying that much extra for the convenience of having it brought to me. I like home-cooked meals, but not wanting to spend time cooking and cleaning. I do cook dinner weekly, just not enough.


2."Running. The price of shoes, races, and gear are ridiculous. I love it, though."


3."I spent over $3,000 on a gaming laptop to play my favorite video games while traveling. I've mainly been using it to browse Reddit. I'm using it for that purpose right now. If I were more mature, I might argue that the money I spent was unjustifiable. Luckily, I live in blissful ignorance of the consequences of my own actions."

a person on a gaming laptop and headphones on
Sezer66 / Getty Images

4."Coin collection — and especially ancient coins. I'm a far cry from the fat cats who could put a museum to shame with their Roman and Greek coins, but I'm fairly confident that I have the largest and most complete collection of Indo-Sassanian coins in private hands, or possibly in total."


5."DSLR camera body and $15,000 in lenses."


6."Live music. I shudder to think how much I’ve spent between tickets, travel, hotels, food, drinks, and extracurriculars over 25 years."

people with taylor swift eras tour t-shirts
Daniel Knighton / Getty Images

7."Books. People in my high school used to joke that I’d own a library by the time I turned 30. I’m 19 and I already have a 'library' in my house. It’s really a spare bedroom that I put all my books and a couple of comfy chairs in, but I call it a library."


8."Flavor of the season obsessive hobbies like, photography, RC cars, flying FPV, camping, and bicycling."


9."Gardening and landscaping."

hands in a garden

10."Crochet. I have three jumbo-size Tupperware containers full of yarn, but you best believe I always find a reason to buy more."

a stack of tupperware containers
Orlando Sentinel / TNS

11."My classic car. I bought it cash in 2012 at 29, have had it for 11 years, and have spent irresponsible amounts of money on upgrades and projects over the years. I don't drink, or smoke, I pack my lunches for work, and take public transportation to work. When it comes to my car, if it improves the drivability and reliability, money is no object. I have many interests in my life — biking, walking, rowing, and photography. They all pale in comparison to the release and joy I experience when I have the perfect drive with my wife, family, and friends with me. It's expensive, frustrating with issues, repairs, upgrades, but it is the only interest in my life that has truly caused me to weep with joy during the experience."


12."My bar. I have over 200 bottles of spirits and liqueurs, and a fridge full of beer, wine, and ciders. I just like making drinks and I want a fully stocked bar so I can make every drink possible. Whenever I go to the liquor store I always get at least one new bottle."

an indoor bar
Yoshiyoshi Hirokawa / Getty Images

13."Dogs. They have more toys and snacks in the house than I do."


"I came to say this too. I went shopping today for more office clothes and came home with toys, a Halloween costume, and a bed for my dogs."


14."Home cooking. I have 15+ different Wüsthof knives, Le Creuset pans and dutch ovens, and a ton of other things like mixing bowls, and cutting boards that are more premium brands because prepping and cooking helps with my anxiety and depression. If I'm gonna splurge on something, it's going to be on something(s) I use regularly."


15."Running shoes. I've got about eight retired pairs in my closet and six active pairs. I probably drop $1500 a year on running shoes."


16."Synthesizers. I make electronic music and you can go down a very deep rabbit hole with all the gear that's out there. I think I've probably spent around $5K on my setup right now, which is very modest compared to a lot of people's studios. On the upside making music has been incredibly good for me and has even led to me booking some gigs, so to me, it's been worth every dollar I've spent."


17."Makeup. I have enough makeup to last several lifetimes but keep buying more. There’s no way to justify it to anyone else. I just love pretty colors and shiny things."

makeup laid out on a table
Songsak Rohprasit / Getty Images

18."Anyone that has curly hair that has dived into 'The Curly Girl Method,' already knows… HAIR PRODUCTS. I have a whole cabinet above the toilet and a medicine cabinet full of hair products."


19."Shows. We're flying to the UK soon just so we can see Phantom of the Opera again. We went to NYC three times this year to see it before it closed on Broadway."


20.Fragrances. The worst part is it doesn't even have to be an expensive hobby. You can find really nice-smelling cologne at places like TJ Maxx for less than $40 which everyone around you will like. Even big-name designers at the mall or a Macy's can be around $80–$100 for a full 3oz bottle. Not cheap by any means, once right on par with brands like Versace or Dior. And a bottle that size will easily last you for years. But if you want that good 'niche', all-natural stuff, that comes in a hand-stitched leather box, and will last for 12+ hours on your skin, you're looking at $300 and up for a 1.5/2oz bottle."


Is there anything you spend a lot of money on? If so, share it with me in the comments below.