Alton Brown's Live Culinary Show Combines Science and Food

Now that Alton Brown has confirmed rumors that Good Eats is, in fact, returning for new episodes, you can rest assured you’ll soon be able to get your fix of the celebrity chef’s own brand of practical, science-based cooking show. You still have the chance to see his show off screen, though: This month, "Alton Brown Live: Eat Your Science,” a new iteration of his culinary variety show, will make stops along the East Coast before concluding in November.

In a new interview with the CT Post, Brown revealed that the show—a different version of which he premiered last year—is a combination of song, a “game-show”-like atmosphere, and some new cooking gadgets, similar to his Mega Bake oven, which baked pizzas along a conveyor belt.

For the tour, Brown says that he worked with the same people who were part of the Good Eats team, designing some of the cooking gadgets that make appearances in his variety act.

“There was one for this show that involved laser beams and that is all I am going to say about it,” he said, adding that it eventually had to be cut from his act.

Brown says that while he sometimes hears people say “I wish there was a pan that would tell you when your food was done,” he personally doesn’t have a “dream utensil,” because he doesn’t want to “disengage my brain from this process.” Instead, he explains that he prefers to “build something,” in the kitchen while he's working, even acknowledging that he became known for his “culinary hacks.”

In this show and Good Eats, Brown uses food as a way to tell stories, explaining that he often sees the dishes he prepares as “literature,” rather than “something that is instructional,” although it should be said that Good Eats is full of useful information how to become a more efficient, knowledgeable home cook.

You have until November 19 to catch Alton Brown Live: Eat Your Science, when it concludes its run in Tennessee.