Alta's Main Chute Still Goes

Alta Ski Area, Utah closed for the season back in April, but the mountain is still covered in feet of snow.

The video below by YouTube channel Odyssey shows that Main Chute, an iconic trail at Alta Ski Area, is still skiing well despite recent warm temps and dust storms.

Check out the video below:

Odyssey"Video Recorded the morning of the 23rd of June:"

According to Alta, Main Chute is actually one of the easier routes in the Baldy Chutes area. It has a pitch of about 44 degrees. Still nothing to scoff at.

Main Chute is a spring staple for backcountry skiers looking to earn some turns after the ski area closes, but the coverage for this late in the year is completely unprecedented.

You might recall that Alta Ski Area saw a record 903 inches (75.25 FEET) of snow this season. All of that extra snow is what's keeping these spring lines skiable into the summer.

Check out the trail map below for Main Chute's location on Alta's Trail Map:

Have fun and stay safe out there, friends!

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