Alta Ski Area Closed For Uphill Travel

Today, Alta Ski Area, Utah, instituted a temporary ban on uphill travel until Saturday, November 11th, within the resort's bounds.

Alta initiated the ban to ease snowmaking efforts during a short window of colder temperatures this week.

"We have a short weather window to make a bunch of snow before temperatures warm up this weekend. We'll have our snowmaking team working around the clock and their jobs are a lot easier if we restrict Uphill Travel for a couple days," a resort representative wrote during correspondence with POWDER.

Uphill travel via The Summer Road and Catherine's Area will remain open during the ban.

Human-powered skiing in and around Alta has produced more than one eye-catching moment this fall. Some skiers caught powder turns as the resort's leaves changed, whereas others have trekked to high altitude zones, ticking off imposing early season lines.

This moment, caught by skier Conor McHugh as he descended Little Chute off Mt. Baldy, was probably the gutsiest anyone got with the comparatively small amount of snow on tap.

Alta plans to open for the season at the end of next week on November 17th.

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