Alta Gives Nod to ‘Frank’ With 10 Tips for Closing Weekend

Alta Ski Area, Utah's closing day is rapidly approaching, which means the time for Frank—a legendary spring celebration—has almost come.

To get everyone ready for the final turns of the year and the ensuing excitement, Alta Ski Area dropped a "ten tips" video to ensure all in attendance don't get too squirrelly.

You might've noticed that, at no point during this video, Coleman, Alta's operations manager, used the word Frank—that's what the hotdog was for.

Frank, at its core, is an excuse for everyone at Alta to cut loose and act a fool in the spirit of not taking skiing too seriously. And when people cut loose, spills often follow, like this spectacular slam from last year's Frank. Don't worry—all involved walked away unscathed.

Frank isn't just about yard sales, though. It's hotdogs—er, franks—in the lot. It's a celebration of spring skiing. It's an excuse to throw on a wacky outfit and party.

If all that sounds like your cup of hotdog water, Frank is going down at Alta Ski Area this coming Sunday, April 21st.

To get the formal lowdown on Alta's closing weekend operations, click here.

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