Alison Mariella Désir Continues to Push the Running Industry to Be Better

The running community has gone through an awakening of sorts in the past year or two.

"Some people are finally coming to recognize that these false notions that everyone has equal access to our sport, that our sport is super accessible and super welcoming, that all you need are running shoes--there's been a realization that that's not the case, depending upon your race and other intersectional identities," says Alison Mariella Desir. She has helped push the running industry toward this recognition in several areas, including as Oiselle's director of sports advocacy and as co-chair of the Running Industry Diversity Coalition, and through writing her forthcoming book, Running While Black.

Desir has seen signs of progress. "At least for Black and other people of color, we can finally feel like we can speak the same language with some folks in the industry," who previously lacked awareness of how people of color experienced running and the industry, says Desir, who is also the founder of Harlem Run.

Brands have also improved representation in marketing, but that's the low-hanging fruit, Desir says. Sometimes campaigns feature Black people but lack diversity behind the scenes, for example: "There's no Black person doing hair and makeup, or there's no Black person behind the camera or coming up with the storyline," she says.

At Oiselle, Desir's work includes building community, making the Haute Volee elite team more diverse, and expanding the charitable Bras for Girls program. Desir has her own Oiselle collection that launched recently, built around the idea that "comfort and style belong in all places, and outdated ideas of professionalism are incompatible with our life," she says.

Running While Black, due out next fall, shows how history is still alive in the present, Desir says. The U.S. moved from slavery to segregation, and then to de facto segregation with housing policies and other lingering inequities. "All of those things are descendants of slavery and ways in which this initial idea of racial hierarchy has persisted. I wanted this book to show how running developed within this environment, so there's no way that running or anything else could be untouched by it."

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The book also chronicles Desir's personal journey "navigating white spaces my whole life, and coming into the running industry and realizing that it was another white space to navigate," she says. "And yet at the same time, running grounded me and has given me my mental health, my community, my partner, my son--it has given me so much. It's grappling with that sort of cognitive dissonance and then what it means to be active in changing the running industry for the better."

This profile was first published in the Winter 2022 print issue of Women's Running as part of "Women Who Lead: Power Women of 2022," which celebrates 15 women who are reshaping the running industry for the better. You can see the full list of honorees here.