Alexi Godbout Cuts It Close In The Backcountry

Skiing, particularly when you enter consequential terrain, is a loosely choreographed series of close calls and near misses.

And when you're rolling the dice, luck always plays its part. Watch as pro skier Alexi Godbout draws on his good karma reserves while riding a hectic backcountry line this past winter.

Here's how Alexi described his backcountry close call:

I did not see that one coming. Everything was going well and booom. Got thrown almost upside down over exposure. Recovered. But, I was so focused on one single tree for my lower exit, as soon as I got whipped I had no clue where I was. Sick line none the less.

No matter how good you are at skiing or how good you think you are skiing, sometimes your perfectly imagined plan will fall like a house of cards, leaving you to frantically improv your way down the slopes.

I know I mentioned luck earlier, and luck certainly helped Alexi avoid disaster, but you can't deny that the Canadian skier's skills play a role, too.

That's what sets the pros apart from the rest of us: when something goes wrong, they don't give up or phone it in. Instead, they attempt to turn what could be an ill-fated run into a potential movie moment, drawing on years of training and skiing experience.

And with a little bit of good fortune in the mix, they might make like Alexi Godbout and succeed, too.

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