Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants You to Know She Likes Her Facial Hair, OK?

Photo credit: Spencer Platt - Getty Images
Photo credit: Spencer Platt - Getty Images


You know when you go to the salon for a specific treatment, like getting your eyebrows waxed, and end up with someone pointing out all your insecurities? Yeah, AOC has been there.

This past weekend, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to Instagram Stories to talk about her recent experience at a nail salon. She told her Instagram audience, "I just went to the nail salon just so I can feel human. Nothing special, just trying to get some paint, cut my cuticles, whatever... My nails are getting painted, and the woman's like, 'Your eyebrows are too big for your face,' and I'm sitting there, and she's like, 'Mustache?' And I'm like [gasps]." AOC continued, saying, "First of all, I thought I came here to feel good about myself. Second of all, what if I like my mustache? Ever think about that?"

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Honestly, relatable!! In fact, this particular exchange was so reminiscent of what other women experience at the salon that many took to Twitter to share how much they connected with Ocasio-Cortez's story. One wrote, "Honestly @AOC posting an Instagram story about how her nail lady said her eyebrows were too big and that she has a mustache is the most #relatablecontent I’ve ever seen from an elected official"

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So thank you, AOC. Please keep speaking the truth of what's happening inside our nation's capitol, but also the daily struggles of being a 20-something woman. All of us who've ever been asked out of the blue if we want our lips waxed appreciate it.

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