Alex Hughes Hits Iconic Canyon Gap

In the shoulder season, more and more riders are traveling to the Utah Desert to ride the classic features.

Watch Alex Hughes ride one such enormous canyon gap below.

In this video, Hughes hits some large features in the Utah desert. Stylishly, I might add.

Alex is a 25-year-old rider from Castle Rock Colorado. In the three years since she began biking in 2020, she has quickly become a household name in the Mountain West riding scene.

On her Instagram, she can be seen riding some of the biggest features in the region including the Teton Pass canyon gap. Read about that enormous send below.

Related: Alex Hughes 'Can't Believe' She Sent Teton Pass's Ravine Gap

In addition to being a sponsored rider who has done shoots for multiple brands, Hughes is a Physician’s Assistant. Why she decided to continue mountain biking with the large swath of riding-related injuries she has probably seen in her studies is a testament to her character.

We at Bike Mag are stoked to see what Alex has planned going forward.

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