Alex Hackel Welcomes "Unofficial Start" To The Ski Season In Switzerland

Professional skier Alex Hackel uploaded a vlog documenting his trip to Snowpark Zermatt, Switzerland -- a glacier that offers skiing through the summer -- yesterday, September 18th.

Tune in as Hackel skis in September with views of the Matterhorn below.

In a perfect world, I, too, would be in Switzerland shredding at Zermatt. It looks lovely. Alas, plane tickets and hotels are expensive, so thinking about skiing rather than doing the real thing will have to do for now.

Snowpark Zermatt, where this was filmed, is a skiing and snowboarding terrain park open from July through the middle of August. The area's altitude and glacier access allow it to remain open when most other resorts in the Northern Hemisphere have called it quits for the season.

Skiing in the summer is obviously the main draw of Snowpark Zermatt. But it doesn't hurt that this place is absolutely stunning. The gondola ride alone seems to be worth the price of admission alone. Talk about stellar views.

As for Hackel, he's part of a new wave of professional skiers who are properly hopping on the social media train by pumping out content like the vlog you just watched.

I'm here for it. YouTube vlogs, for the most part, aren't something I spend much time watching as the traditional approach to vlogging -- someone yelling into the camera about a recent trip to Panama City Beach or how to make $5,000 a day dropshipping -- doesn't really do it for me.

But quick, candid peeks into what pro skiers are up to? There's potential there as another avenue for ski media outside the traditional ski film box.

If you're interested, too, have a look at Hackel's YouTube channel.

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