Alex Armstrong Cackles With Delight As She Blasts Through Deep Powder

Powder skiing tends to elicit strong reactions, like hoots, hollers, or, if you're truly unrestrained, screams.

Take a trip back to the incredible winter we saw last season with some visceral powder skiing reactions from pro skier Alex Armstrong.

That's the good stuff right there.

While I never skied snow that deep last season, I had a pretty killer day at Alpental with some old friends.

We spent the morning ripping powder turns on Armstrong and Edelweiss (and waiting in line, of course) before dipping into the gates to check out a drop a friend of mine wanted to hit.

Powder days are pretty much the only time I'll roll the dice and go upside down. It's my "I'm now in my mid-twenties, and my bones are no longer made of rubber" rule. If failing a trick, line, or cliff could land me in the hospital, I probably won't do it. Thus, I wait for softer snow to pretend I'm 16 again.

At the top of the cliff, my friend, who's a decidedly better skier than me, opted for a backflip which he executed flawlessly. Then my second friend launched through the air, leaving me to mull my "I'm now in my mid-twenties, and my bones are no longer made of rubber" rule alone. Were the conditions good enough for me to roll the dice?

At that moment, I recognized that the snow was soft and that I was with my old friends, who, years ago, would encourage me to get reckless on skis back in high school. So, as I came off the cliff, I leaned backward and hoped I still had it.

The rest was a blur. I managed to land on my feet in an explosion of snow before succumbing to an innately human powder skiing expression of joy. Was I yelling, screaming, or laughing?

Upon reviewing the video my friend took, it was some combination of all three.

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