ALERT: Zayn Malik Has Dyed His Hair Green Again

Photo credit: Getty
Photo credit: Getty

From Seventeen

Today was a big day for One Direction fans. First, Liam Payne went on social media to celebrate his foray into fatherhood. And then, Zayn Malik debuted a brand new hairstyle on Instagram: bright green hair on a bed of dark roots, presented without captions.

It's safe to say his fans love the new look.

Though, of course, there was some good-natured teasing.

It's not the first time he's gone green, as he famously dyed his hair a nice neon color back in June 2015.

This time around though, it's a richer shade that just covers the tips, so it's even sexier. The man's got glorious locks, though, so it doesn't really matter how he styles them!

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