Aldi Is Stocking Its Freezer Section With Unicorn Ice Cream Cones For A Magical Summer Treat

Photo credit: Aldi
Photo credit: Aldi

From Delish

You never know what’s lurking behind a door in the freezer aisle, but we always hope there is a new ice cream to awaken our taste buds. That’s exactly what you’ll find at Aldi, because the Sundae Shoppe brand has unveiled new Unicorn Cones and Galaxy Cones.

The super colorful treats are made up of raspberry and vanilla-flavored frozen dessert. The wafer cone appears to be lined with chocolate, and the ice cream is complete with raspberry-flavored topping and rainbow sprinkles. Magical? We think so.

Photo credit: Aldi
Photo credit: Aldi

Since you’re in the freezer aisle anyway, you might want to grab a box of the Galaxy Cones variety, too. These have a chocolate-lined wafer cone that’s filled with chocolate and vanilla frozen dessert, raspberry-flavored topping, and space-themed sprinkles, including stars.

The Unicorn Cones and Galaxy Cones are both part of Aldi Finds, which means they’ll only be available in a short window of time. Each box is $3.49 and includes four ready-to-eat cones. They’ll be hitting Aldi stores the week of June 24, but you might luck out and find them beforehand. All we know is that we’ll be keeping an eye on the freezer aisle.

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