Aldi Shoppers Are Sharing Their Favorite Items And Tricks For Saving A Bunch Of Money On Groceries

These days, grocery hauls don't come cheap. Inflation is on the rise and many people are feeling it when they shop for the week. Enter Aldi: the German discount market that has captured the hearts of many (including me) who want to lower their food budget. It's a magical place that takes getting used to if you frequent big-name grocery stores, but it's well worth the savings in your wallet.

Aldi aisles
Kailey Hansen / BuzzFeed

I'll preach the Aldi gospel too: I grabbed half a cart full of groceries last weekend and my total was $35 (this mini haul would've cost me at least $60 at another store). So, how do prices stay so low? The franchise employs fewer workers than traditional grocery stores — as customers bag their own items, return their own carts, and foods are simply restocked in pre-packaged boxes. Plus, the store carries fewer name-brand goods and a higher amount of generic brands.

Holly Golightly saying "I'm trying desperately to save money" in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
Holly Golightly saying "I'm trying desperately to save money" in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Paramount Pictures / Via

Pro tip: if you're visiting Aldi for the first time, bring a quarter as you'll need one to access a shopping cart! Once you're done, you can take your quarter with you. In the wise words of this Reddit commenter: "Bring a quarter with you or may God have mercy on your soul."

Last month, I ventured into the world of Reddit to discover how people save money shopping at Trader Joe's. Since Aldi has garnered a similar cult following, I'm rounding up the Reddit community's take on saving money there, as well as some of the best-priced items to shop:

An aldi storefront
Jetcityimage / Getty Images

1."I do about 80% of my shopping at Aldi. You can basically get all the essentials for way less, like eggs, milk, meat, bread, fruits, and veggies. For specific brand-name things, I just go to another supermarket once or twice a month."

Aidl frozen aisle

2."Aldi always has the best prices on milk, eggs, cheese, and butter. I also love the Vie sparkling water that is half the price of La Croix."


3."I'm a bit of a data nerd so I track my grocery buys over time by store. Aldi is consistently the cheapest for staples like milk, bread, butter, and canned items. When I go to Aldi for the bulk of my groceries, I save about 40% over getting the same items at a conventional grocery store."


4."Mid-pandemic, my husband and I were spending $100–$120 on groceries, and now most weeks we only spend $80 on average. We have to supplement Aldi with another store too for the little bits that we find that week, which is typical, but the savings are worth it!"


5."I almost exclusively shop at Aldi. I can’t afford the other stores in my area and we save a ton. I’ve been happy with everything I’ve gotten there, but I’m not a brand-particular shopper. Do bring a quarter for the cart and your own bags as they charge for paper and plastic bags."

Taylor Swift dancing with bags
Taylor Swift dancing with bags

Taylor Swift / Via


6."Aldi is good for the basics and for treats. I especially like their Winking Owl wine for less than $3 a bottle. The chardonnay is *chef's kiss*."


7."[I love] the Girl Scout cookie knockoffs for like $1.67."


8."Their granola bars are so cheap yet every bit as good as Nature Valley bars. Honestly, so many of the bulk produce items are cheaper than buying one or two at other grocery stores. Cheese is also half the price for more cheese than you get with name brands like Kraft."


9."Aldi Pop Tarts are so much better and so much cheaper. I personally think they taste fresher and are much less expensive."


10."As a college student, Aldi is wonderful. They have lots of healthy options and I never spend as much money as I would at another grocery store."

Aldi-brand tofu cubes

11."Aldi is 100% worth it in my eyes, but you have to manage your expectations. You won't find all the brands you will in your typical grocery store because many of the items are Aldi's generic brand. However, the generic brands are solid quality."


12."I use their chicken and beef bone broth. It's half the price of bone broth anywhere else."


13."Their tropical fruit Greek yogurt for around 55 cents per container is such a deal."


14."We spend maybe $40–$50 per week to feed our family of three, and we predominantly shop at Aldi. We went on a cabin trip with three other families for a weekend and we planned the grocery order: Friday dinner, Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday dinner to feed eight adults and four toddlers was $26 per family total. It’s insanely inexpensive."


15."I get everything I can at Aldi and then the rest at a normal grocery store. Don't sleep on their chocolate, cured meats, and cheeses. Also, their ginger beer is cheap AF."

Keegan-Michael Key saying "I eat all of the cheese"
Keegan-Michael Key saying "I eat all of the cheese"

Bethesda Softwork / Via


16."Their dairy in general is usually 50 cents to over a dollar cheaper [than other stores] where I am. Frozen burgers are considerably cheaper as well."


17."My dog will only eat the Aldi dog food in the little tins. They are about 58 cents here, and a tin of a similar brand is about one dollar."


18."I go to Aldi for all my staples: almond milk, olive oil, avocado oil, oats, and (most) produce. All significantly cheaper than at other grocery stores."


19."My plain black tea bags [are around] $1.89 for 100 tea bags, whereas Lipton is like $5.99 for 100 tea bags everywhere else. Also the Benner (Aldi) brand is so superior."


20."Aldi is especially cheap for lowbrow snacks, fancy snacks, and staple foods. Their taco shells, chips, hummus, snack cakes, fruit snacks, meat, and dairy are about half the cost of anywhere else."

Candy and snacks at Aldi

21."[Aldi has] reasonably priced fruits and veggies, and a nice selection of baked goods. The freezer and dairy section also has a good mix. On the other hand, the meat section where I'm located can be hit or miss depending on the week. You won't find many name-brand items, but all the items I've tried were definitely comparable in taste and much better in price. There's always a new hidden gem each visit."


22."We buy everything from diapers and formula to alcohol and everything in between! The junk aisle is *chefs kiss*."


23."I specifically buy chocolate since the quality is amazing. It can spend $80 at Aldi and have good food for two weeks, where I spend $80 at my local grocer and have food for about one week."


24."[I love their] cheese smoked salmon, canned beans, and premade pizza dough."


25."Great deals a lot of the time, plus the aisle of random crap can have the occasional hidden gem for a really good price."

Eleanor putting everything in the grocery store in her cart on "The Good Place"
Eleanor putting everything in the grocery store in her cart on "The Good Place"

NBC / Via


26."We’ve changed our shopping to be 90% Aldi and have saved quite a bit. The selection isn’t phenomenal (at least at ours), but what is there is good quality. Bring a quarter for the shopping cart (you’ll get it back when you return it) and your own bags if you don’t want to use their leftover cardboard."


27."With the price of meat right now, [I shop at Aldi]. Steak, chicken breasts, pork, and pretty much everything there will cost you a few bucks less per trip."


28."My kids like the Aldi version of Nutri-Grain bars and I think they're still under $2 per pack which is nice."

Amy Poehler saying "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom" in "Mean Girls"
Amy Poehler saying "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom" in "Mean Girls"

Paramount Pictures / Via


If you shop at Aldi, too, share your favorite finds or ways that you save on groceries in the comments below!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.