An Alcoholic Kids Menu, An "Open Concept" Bathroom Stall, And 17 Other Fails That Have Me Fully Shaking My Head

1. This very ~authentic~ pizza box showcasing Italy's most famous monument — the Eiffel Tower:

2. This tile that's hairy — I mean, very — nice:

3. This add-on to a 500-year-old tower that definitellllly blends in:

4. This textbook that decided to rewrite the map, I guess:

5. This sign that's giving some mixed messages:

Here's a close-up of that sign:

A sign that says "follow traffic rules, someone is waiting at home for you"
Reddit / u/TabCompletion / Via

6. This Hallowed sign that sure tricked me the first time I saw it:

7. This sign that's a little confused, but has the spirit:

8. This menu that has everything from a gooey grilled cheese to a cool Bloody Mary for your little ones:

9. This underwear that certainly doesn't care about your feelings:

10. Just...the fact that this bathroom? exists? in the real world?:

11. This puzzle that's about to confuse the heck out of someone's kid:

12. This parking lot that is honestly making my brain hurt:

13. This bathroom that encourages you to parkour from the toilet to the sink:

14. This apartment that really said "no doors please, only windows":

15. This...botk nooe? notebook? that's so unnecessarily complicated:

16. This poke sign that's maybe just a little unappetizing:

17. This pencil that reminds kids of the important things in life:

18. This bathroom that knows no peace:

19. And finally, this basketball court that's knocking people over like pins:

h/t r/CrappyDesign