Alabama Man Builds World's Smallest Church Outside Mobile

Chapel of the Fields Loblolly Farm
Chapel of the Fields Loblolly Farm

Loblolly Farm

There's a tiny chapel in Semmes, Alabama, that's built to hold a whole lot of love.

Gary Smith constructed Chapel of the Fields on his property at Loblolly Farm in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic. The 14.44-square-foot structure measures 40 inches by 52 inches and holds two standing people. It is being billed as the "smallest church on Earth."

"She's little bitty," Smith told

The current record for Smallest Church in the World is held by a chapel in Spain that is seven square feet larger than Chapel of the Fields. Smith said he's currently waiting to hear back from Guinness World Records about making the title official.

"If anybody builds anything smaller, they'd just be putting a steeple on top of a phone booth," Smith told

Chapel of the Fields was designed to resemble an old-fashioned Southern church, topped by a wooden steeple in a cross design. While there has yet to be a ceremony inside the chapel, plenty of couples have taken photos there.

It's become a bit of a roadside attraction.

"We've seen [car] tags from Nevada, Texas, North Carolina … People just keep stopping by," Smith told "They're weird, like we are."

For more information about Loblolly Farm and booking the tiny chapel for yourself, visit