Airport Baggage Handler Caught on Camera Dropping Surfboard to Certain Death (Clip)

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All too often, surfboards are damaged while in transit.

It’s a nightmare scenario for any traveling surfer – they get to the airport, bid their boardbag adieu at the ticketing desk, mutter safe passage prayers as it trades hands with the airline attendant, and then, upon arrival, they find dings, buckles, or worse.

Makes one wonder if the baggage handlers are doing it on purpose? More of a conspiracy theory, sure, but this video below is pretty damning evidence.

The clip comes from Kook of the Day, via Atlas Surfboards. It shows a baggage handler inside an airport – perhaps in Florida; at least that’s what the advertisements show on the electronic billboard screen – attempting to transport a longboard from one floor to another. But instead of using a freight elevator, or the escalator just nearby, the baggage handler just drops the boardbag from the top floor to the bottom.

No chance the board was unscathed after that.

As expected, commenters were enraged, appalled, etc…

“Hope this idiot lost his job for this.”

“I’d like to do the same thing to that worker.”

“That’ll be $250, thanks.”

“It’s Florida and Spirit Airlines, wtf you would expect?”

“Heart just crumbled.”

The post even got a reaction out of Kelly Slater – no comment, just a like – who undoubtedly has had countless surfboards damaged by baggage handlers over the years.

But this one hits different. It looks personal, on purpose, or just blatant negligence.

The horror.


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