Airlines With the Cheapest Flight Deals in Each U.S. State in 2021

There are few things more satisfying than scoring a cheap flight. And while you might assume most airlines price their flights similarly to be competitive, that's not always the case. Certain airlines are consistently releasing lower, better deals than other carriers. And the number of bargains changes based on your departing airport. For example, Scott's Cheap Flights found that cities and states with more flights tend to see more deals. Plus, if you're flying out of an airport that acts as an airline's hub, chances are you'll find better deals on the carrier's competitors.

With all of that in mind, which airline is most likely to offer the best deals from your state? To help us figure that out, the experts at Scott's Cheap Flights tallied the number of deals they sent from each airport they work with in every U.S. state, then counted the number of deals coming from almost 90 different airlines. Interestingly, two big U.S. carriers — American Airlines and United Airlines — dominated on the deal front. Delta Air Lines was a close third, but didn't offer the most deals in any one state, while international airline Air Canada had the fourth-highest number of cheap flights for U.S. travelers.

Shadow of airplane taking off from airport
Shadow of airplane taking off from airport

Fabian Krause/EyeEm/Getty Images


Number of deals: 228

Number of airlines with deals: 26

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 31

Number of airlines with deals: 12

Airline with the most deals: American/Delta tie


Number of deals: 295

Number of airlines with deals: 43

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 140

Number of airlines with deals: 22

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 1,497

Number of airlines with deals: 65

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 324

Number of airlines with deals: 42

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 105

Number of airlines with deals: 28

Airline with the most deals: American


*Scott's Cheap Flights doesn't currently search for deals from any airports in Delaware, but notes that airports in Maryland or Pennsylvania are one to two hours away.


Number of deals: 1,485

Number of airlines with deals: 57

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 278

Number of airlines with deals: 35

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 172

Number of airlines with deals: 22

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 103

Number of airlines with deals: 27

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 535

Number of airlines with deals: 61

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 232

Number of airlines with deals: 28

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 276

Number of airlines with deals: 26

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 78

Number of airlines with deals: 22

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 298

Number of airlines with deals: 21

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 240

Number of airlines with deals: 31

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 66

Number of airlines with deals: 20

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 181

Number of airlines with deals: 42

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 225

Number of airlines with deals: 52

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 224

Number of airlines with deals: 27

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 191

Number of airlines with deals: 29

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 66

Number of airlines with deals: 23

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 351

Number of airlines with deals: 33

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 224

Number of airlines with deals: 30

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 136

Number of airlines with deals: 27

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 276

Number of airlines with deals: 43

Airline with the most deals: United

New Hampshire

Number of deals: 49

Number of airlines with deals: 18

Airline with the most deals: American

New Jersey

Number of deals: 247

Number of airlines with deals: 57

Airline with the most deals: United

New Mexico

Number of deals: 88

Number of airlines with deals: 26

Airline with the most deals: United

New York

Number of deals: 829

Number of airlines with deals: 64

Airline with the most deals: American

North Carolina

Number of deals: 665

Number of airlines with deals: 39

Airline with the most deals: American

North Dakota

Number of deals: 87

Number of airlines with deals: 23

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 389

Number of airlines with deals: 39

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 183

Number of airlines with deals: 25

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 285

Number of airlines with deals: 47

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 460

Number of airlines with deals: 46

Airline with the most deals: American/United tie

Rhode Island

Number of deals: 74

Number of airlines with deals: 28

Airline with the most deals: United

South Carolina

Number of deals: 313

Number of airlines with deals: 30

Airline with the most deals: American/United tie

South Dakota

Number of deals: 107

Number of airlines with deals: 20

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 419

Number of airlines with deals: 34

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 1,098

Number of airlines with deals: 51

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 118

Number of airlines with deals: 34

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 54

Number of airlines with deals: 18

Airline with the most deals: American


Number of deals: 681

Number of airlines with deals: 53

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 267

Number of airlines with deals: 40

Airline with the most deals: United

West Virginia

*Scott's Cheap Flights just began working with an airport in West Virginia (CRW in Charleston) and doesn't have enough data on deals yet.


Number of deals: 246

Number of airlines with deals: 29

Airline with the most deals: United


Number of deals: 42

Number of airlines with deals: 23

Airline with the most deals: United