Airline Demolishes Jeremy Flores’ Surfboards (Clip)

An unlikely, yet formidable, foe to the traveling surfer is the humble baggage handler.

It’s all too common, when concerning surf travel. A surfer bids farewell to their boardbag at the check-in desk, mumbling safe passage prayers underneath their breath as they handoff their bag to the smiling attendant, and then terror strikes, upon arrival at their destination when they open their bag only to find broken boards.

The likely culprit? A baggage handler, tossing the boardbag, likely slapped with futile “FRAGILE” stickers, with reckless abandon into a heap of other heavy cargo.

That nightmare scenario recently happened to former Championship Tour surfer, Jeremy Flores.

He posted a video showing his quiver snapped and buckled, twisted and cracked, captioning it (as translated from his native tongue, French):

“Flight delayed 5 hours to the ground... No luggage on arrival.... and a bad surprise when i opened my cover 🤬. Even on purpose I don't see how anyone can do this much damage to surfboards! @airfrance There is much worse in life but it's still annoying, hoping it will help others in the future... Not cool at all”

Not cool is right. But it’s just the dice that we, as surfers, must roll upon taking a trip. Sometimes your boards make it in one piece, sometimes not.

Over the years, certain airlines have come out with varying policies catering to surfboard bags – policies mostly concerning the exorbitant fees surfers must pay to bring their boards on the airlines.

As for the handling of said fragile surfboards, that’s still a gamble.


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