Can You Air-Fry Lobster Straight From Frozen?

lobster tails on plate
lobster tails on plate - Rez-art/Getty Images

If you're craving an easy seafood dinner and don't feel like dining out, lobster tails are the perfect dish to make at home. And if you have an air fryer in your kitchen, all the better, as these devices are capable of cooking tasty food in a super convenient and fast way. The best results, however, heavily depend on whether you buy fresh or frozen lobster. Both versions are delicious, but frozen tails have to be thawed before cooking. Putting frozen lobster tails right into your air fryer may derail your dinner plans and result in a less-than-satisfying meal.When cooking any ingredient, you want an even doneness throughout, and this is especially important for delicate lobster, which can go from tender and juicy to rubbery in an instant. A frozen lobster tail tossed right into an air fryer won't cook evenly at all -- some parts will remain frozen by the time other areas are done, and those areas will be overcooked in the end. This can lead to a chewy texture, which no one wants.

Instead, defrost the frozen tails by placing them in a sealed bag and submerging them in cold water. You can also thaw lobster tails in the refrigerator overnight, or use the microwave to defrost them quickly. There are a few other tips and tricks to follow for delectable air-fried lobster, too.

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Benefits Of Air Frying Lobster

lobster tails on cutting board
lobster tails on cutting board - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Traditionally, lobster tails are cooked via grilling, boiling, or baking. While these lobster tail cooking methods create tasty results, they can be a bit labor-intensive. On the other hand, air frying is easy in comparison. All you really need to do is to drizzle a small amount of oil into your air fryer basket before adding your lobster tails. Try to arrange them so they have space on all sides, season them however you like, and cook.

Along with convenience, air fryers also offer breezy cooking times. Some air fryer lobster tail recipes can take as little as ten minutes before dinner is served. As for quality, an air fryer can help you achieve that perfect toothsome texture that is synonymous with an amazingly tasty lobster tail. These devices circulate hot air around food, which results in the exterior cooking before the interior. As a result, you don't have to worry as much about the loss of moisture that can occur with other cooking methods. Succulent lobster is well within your reach.

What Are Some Downsides To Using An Air Fryer?

man grabbing air fryer basket
man grabbing air fryer basket - Marioguti/Getty Images

In addition to avoiding common air fryer mistakes, such as preheating the device incorrectly, you should be aware of potential obstacles to your seafood feast. The air fryer's basket size is one major drawback when it comes to cooking lobster tails. Air fryers come in a range of capacities, and smaller models may not be able to accommodate particularly sizable tails. Conversely, ovens and grills provide ample room, which means you can cook multiple lobster tails at once, regardless of size. The air fryer may be less stressful to use and monitor, but you might have to cook your tails in batches.

Preparing a lobster tail in an air fryer can also lead to more mess than other methods. Melted butter is an essential accompaniment to lobster, and it can become quite messy as it drips all over the air fryer basket. The basket often has holes in it, and juices and butter might gather at the bottom of the chamber. While this won't necessarily harm your air fryer, or affect the outcome of your lobster, you'll need to spend a little more time cleaning up afterwards.

The good news is that these pitfalls are a relatively minor trade-off for the excellent results an air fryer provides. Just make sure to thaw your tails if they're frozen -- you can't put them directly in the air fryer, but plan ahead and you'll have a delicious seafood delicacy in a snap.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.