AI Skiing Video Will Leave You Scratching Your Head

Even the Luddites have heard the news—AI, like it or not, has dominated the airwaves this past year.

And now, our eventual robot overlords are coming for skiing.

Here's a look at what happens when you use AI to alter your ski video, courtesy of filmmaker Erwan Lier.

I'm willing to editorialize a bit here. The rise of AI has left me equal parts terrified and frustrated. I'm not keen on living in a world where the arts—our favorite books, movies, reportage, TV shows, and paintings—are created by cold, unfeeling computers. If these things make us human, what are we without them?

However, this video offers a valuable counterpoint. Lier is an unquestionably talented filmmaker who, with the help of AI tools, has created something fascinating. I'm not going to discredit the incredible result because it's AI.

And, just in case there's any confusion, Lier didn't just press a few buttons to create this effect. While my knowledge of video editing tools is limited, it's clear Lier had to rely on his hard-earned editing and filmmaking skills—it wasn't plug-and-play.

To me, this is where the potential benefit of AI-usage lies. A talented individual can employ AI tools to fashion new and exciting works without handing the reigns over to the computer, preserving and elevating the human talents of any given artist.

It's a promising notion, even to someone like me who's hesitant about all this AI business. All that hope assumes Skynet lets us make ski videos in the future, though.

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