Ahhh, Harry Styles Just Released Another Song, "Sweet Creature"

Photo credit: Getty + YouTube
Photo credit: Getty + YouTube

From Seventeen

Hi! Alert! Stop the presses!

Harry Styles suddenly dropped a second song out of nowhere. He announced the news on Twitter in the most gentlemanly way, promising to be "available always" for his fans.

The song is called "Sweet Creature" and it has a laidback, Beatles-y vibe. The song art features Harry sitting in a pool of gently rippling Millennial pink water. And you will probably be very, very into it. Enjoy!

Hannah Orenstein is the assistant features editor at Seventeen.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

From Seventeen

Hi! Alert! Stop the presses!

Harry Styles suddenly dropped a second song out of nowhere. He announced the news on Twitter in the most gentlemanly way, promising to be "available always" for his fans.

The song is called "Sweet Creature" and it has a laidback, Beatles-y vibe. The song art features Harry sitting in a pool of gently rippling Millennial pink water. And you will probably be very, very into it. Enjoy!

Hannah Orenstein is the assistant features editor at Seventeen.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

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