Aegon Targaryen: Why Jon Snow’s real name changes the race for the Iron Throne

Jon Snow: secretly a Targaryen all along
Jon Snow: secretly a Targaryen all along

It was the cat Game of Thrones fans had been waiting to be let out of the dynastic bag for almost seven seasons; but during the season seven finale, Jon Snow's true identity was finally exposed.

Forget “Ned Stark's bastard” or even “King of the North” – Jon Snow from here on in should be referred to as Aegon Targaryen, the name bestowed upon him during his mother's final moments.

But while we (and Bran and Samwell Tarly) all know the true parentage and real name of Jon Snow, will the man himself ever truly know his secret identity? Ahead of season 8,  we give you a run through of the meaning behind Snow's real name and what it means for his position in the race to the Iron Throne.

How did such a mix-up happen, and what does it mean?

Those who have devoured George RR Martin's books – which inspired the hit HBO series – have been keen to see if Jon's real parentage would be shown ever since Bran visited the “Tower of Joy” during a flashback in the final episode of season six.

Though he is known as "Ned Stark's bastard" throughout Westeros, Jon is actually the heir to the Iron Throne. All thanks to being the product of a secret marriage between Lyanna Stark (Ned's sister, and therefore aunt to Arya, Sansa and the rest of the Stark offspring) and Rhaegar Targaryen (Daenerys's older brother).

As Bran – who, for what it's worth, has known about this for quite some time – explained to Sam Tarly: "He's never been a bastard, he's the heir to the Iron Throne."

While the Tower of Joy confirmed that Jon was not, in fact, the offspring of Ned Stark and a Winterfell prostitute, viewers only found out that Lyanna and Rhaegar were married – therefore making his fancy bloodline legitimate – at the finale's approach, after Sam Tarly ignored Gilly's impressive reading progress in Eastwatch (episode five).

As Bran says during the episode, "he needs to know".

But what implications will this have for Jon, who has humbly ruled the North after being betrayed by the Night's Watch? Let alone Daenerys, whom the world believes to be the most powerful living Targaryen and is somewhat hell-bent on claiming the Iron Throne. Bran's revelation arrives not only as Jon has sworn allegiance to the Mother of Dragons, but while the pair are having (unwittingly incestuous) sex.

Love close to throne: Daenerys
Love close to throne: Daenerys

Given that Humble Ruler Jon Snow has no desire to sit on the Iron Throne, it's likely he'll continue to support his aunt-cum-lover in her quest for leadership. By doing so, their union could have more dramatic effects: namely, a 'Prince That Was Promised' reveal to round off the whole show's ridiculously rocky ride.

Alternatively, Dany and Jon's tryst on the boat may result in the queen's unlikely pregnancy; after all, it's not as if Targaryens – let alone the upper echelons of Westerosi society more generally – are averse to a little incest.

Whatever ensues, the chess pieces have been set and the Wall is breaking; the pair should probably set sail from their floating love nest sometime soon.

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