Adults Are Sharing The Most Explicit Things Porn Gets Wrong About Real-Life Sex, And Wow, These Answers Are Spot-On

Note: This post contains mentions of explicit sexual content.

If you've ever watched porn, you may fully understand how "fantastical" and unrealistic the industry can be when it comes to sex.

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So, when Reddit user u/cheerful_sharky asked: "What's one thing that porn always gets wrong?" I thought it might be interesting to not only share the responses but also highlight the different people's perspectives on each of the subject matters based on their real-life sex experiences. Here's what they had to say below.

1."The lack of awkwardness or figuring things out."

two women in bed together

2."The cleanliness of the house it starts in. Never seen a porn star have sex next to a pile of clean laundry everybody's too lazy to fold and put away."


Perspective #1: "I had just washed my sheets the night I lost my virginity. Just pushed the pile of clothes and sheets onto the floor and did it on a bare mattress."


Perspective #2: "*Cleaning off the kitchen counter to bang on it.* NO, don't put that knife in the dirty sink; I haven't decided if I want to make another sandwich yet!"


3."Going harder is more pleasurable."

two people holding each other in a bedroom

4."First-time anal is never that quick. A lot of starting and stopping, and a lot of prep beforehand. Also, switching back to penis-in-vagina sex after anal is a no-no, unless you want a UTI."


Perspective #1: "My god — yes, this. I've had to teach my fiancé that since I was his first anal lady, and it just didn't make sense how much warming up it takes for a little bit. It takes time, and it takes that time every time; buttholes need a little work."


Perspective #2: "This is why I’m anti-anal with my wife. The amount of hemorrhoids and fissures I’ve seen in porn is deterrent enough."


5."Never seen anything professional where they're going at it and it's all hot and romantic, and just as they're saying, 'I'm gonna come soon,' the cat jumps on the bed, head-butts their arm forcefully, and meows as loud as she possibly can right into both their ears. Making both of them stop and start laughing, while the cat continues to meow loudly and head-butt, demanding attention. Or, the dog sneaks in and starts licking your foot that's hanging off the edge of the bed."

a dog in the bedroom

6."I rarely see them apply lube! You have to get sloppy with that stuff."


Perspective #1: "Sometimes, it's that morning side-bang after a hard night drinking and everyone is dehydrated. Or, you've been going at it for 40 minutes and used up all the natural. Sometimes, I will put some on my finger before massaging the clitoris, too, because I've found it helps a ton. Friction is numbness and/or pain; friction is the enemy."


Perspective #2: "This is a good call-out on major differences in porn vs. real life. Preference changes with time as anyone whose been in a long-term relationship can testify to. And it's different for everyone, whether you are using condoms, your age, whether men are circumcised, or the makeup of the labia. 

My wife and I got together as teens and are in our 30s. At 19, everyone is ready to go in a second; by 25, with a condom, maybe the female needs it. At 30, an uncircumcised male might need it more. And the changes go on and on."


7."Nobody is ever stopping to pull a hair out of their mouth."

a couple playing in hair in bed

8."I've never seen someone let out a loud fart while orgasming in porn, but my husband made that magic happen."


Perspective #1: "Nature’s sexual battle cry."


Perspective #2: "Always have considered this as a possibility, and in some ways feared it. Good to know I won’t be alone if it happens."


9."Fake moaning. The guy touched her nipples, and she goes berserk."

a woman smiling in bed

10."The quick response times of plumbers."


Perspective #1: "Or the price tag. Like yeah, the butt is nice, but my boss expects SOMEONE to pay this $1,800 bill, and it ain’t me."


Perspective #2: "In porn: 'Hello, I need a plumber.'

'I'm a plumber. I'll be there in five minutes.'

In reality: 'Hello, I need a plumber.'

'I'm a plumber. I'll arrive between 6 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. some time between Thursday and October.'"


11."Shower sex or just anything in the shower, at least as a woman, completely sucks. Water is not your friend, lol."

shower head

12."The clitoris. It’s never acknowledged."


Perspective #1: "I mean, sometimes they rub it so hard it looks like a competitive Mario Party 64."


Perspective #2: "Ugggh, it's so sensitive, and they rub like they're scrubbing some dishes."


13."Foreplay is important. Often necessary. No, you can’t just pull down someone’s pants and get in."

a couple kissing with wine in their hands

14."All three people are happy after a threesome."


Perspective #1: "Uh. I've had many 'everybody happy' threesomes. MFM, MFF, FMF, and MMF. We've all been happy most of the time."


Perspective #2: "What’s the difference between MFF and FMF?"


Perspective #3: "In MFF, the women play with each other and the man. In FMF, the women don't play with each other, they each only play with the guy."


15."Lesbian porn. They almost always have long nails."

a person with long nails

16."Men not moaning, as if they don't vocally express their pleasure during sex."


Perspective #1: "I know, right? It’s such a turn-on for me when I hear men moan."


Perspective #2: "I'm silent. I have to remind myself to make sounds so my partner knows I'm having fun. I know she enjoys it when I'm vocal, but I have a lot of trouble as I don't actually enjoy it."


Perspective #3: "I like that in porn, though. I don’t really wanna hear that personally."


17."Having sex while only wearing footwear."

a person with socks on in bed

18."'The bigger the better.' You cant tell me it won't hurt at some point, for the women."


Perspective #1: "Truth. I am small. I will not have sex with a man over 6” because I don’t want to be in pain. I have dildos I can’t use because they’re too big."


19."Many of those positions are unnatural and not very pleasurable, which is why you see so many jump cuts."

a couple holding each other

Is there one thing you always believe porn gets wrong about sex? If so, tell us what it is in the comments below.