Are Adult Braces Worth It? We Asked 8 People for Their Honest Reviews

Courtesy of Samantha M., Jenn E., Erika B.

You may associate braces with the (painfully) awkward middle school experience, but they’re not just for preteens. Adults, too, can reap the teeth-shifting benefits of this orthodontic treatment, and if our social media feeds are any indication, many of them are: On TikTok and Instagram, #adultbraces has thousands of posts showing transformation photos and week-by-week updates.

Sure, having metal wires on your teeth can be a nuisance, to say the least: Cleaning out food bits between each bracket can get pretty annoying, and let’s not forget the painful cuts you might get inside your cheek while chewing or talking. But there are plenty of upsides too: According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), traditional braces are a reliable way to straighten crooked teeth—which, cosmetic concerns aside, can trap food particles and lead to tooth decay (and therefore, cavities).

Braces can also correct bite problems, like an underbite or overbite. This is important because constant friction between misaligned teeth can eventually wear down their protective enamel, increasing your risk for decay and gum disease.

That said, there are a few caveats to consider before getting braces later in life: For one, as we mentioned above, they can be pretty damn uncomfortable and make everyday things—like eating chewy, crunchy, or sticky foods and speaking clearly—difficult. Plus, the treatment can cost thousands of dollars, since insurance doesn’t often cover braces after the age of 18, per the AAO. And another obvious downside? Most full-grown adults probably aren’t thrilled about rocking a metal mouth, especially when it comes to going into the office, say, or meeting a super cute date.

So, if you’re looking for honest reviews about adult braces, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we asked eight people who got their teeth wired about their overall experiences.

“I fixed one of my biggest insecurities—100% worth it.”

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Name: Sydney D.

Age when you got braces: 26

How long you had them: One year

Price: $6,000

Why you got them: When I had all four wisdom teeth removed, my teeth shifted and created large gaps that I was very self-conscious about.

Was it worth it? Yes.

“As a hairstylist, I just really wanted to be comfortable with my smile while talking to clients behind the chair. Getting adult braces was something I knew I would’ve regretted not doing in the future.

Braces aren’t fun: Food gets stuck in them, flossing was a huge pain in the butt, and the wires would cut the inside of my cheek, making it hard to eat. But it was all worth it in the end: I no longer have gaps, and I won’t look back in 10 or 15 years, wishing I would’ve just taken the time to fix one of my biggest insecurities.”

“It transformed my bite—and my life for the better.”

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Name: Erik J.

Age when you got braces: 48

How long you had them: Three years

Price: $3,400

Why you got them: It was recommended by my dentist, who said my bite shifted due to an ill-fitting mouth guard (created by a previous dentist). He told me that unless I did something to correct my bite, my teeth would continue to hit and damage each other, and I would eventually need dentures.

Was it worth it? Yes.

“Initially, I wasn’t thrilled about mentally returning to sixth grade as a metal-mouthed adult. But I joined a Facebook group with others who had adult braces, where I got a lot of advice and encouragement that helped me solidify my decision.

After three years, my bite is officially fixed! Even better, as a professor, I was able to bond with my students and colleagues: I essentially talk for a living, and I found that my braces were a great conversation starter and, to my surprise, people’s reactions were overwhelmingly positive. Braces were certainly a time and financial commitment, but I came to see them more as an investment in my health and even a form of self-care and ‘treating myself,’ which I had never experienced before.”

“It was expensive, but the best decision for my specific needs.”

Name: Tayler A.

Age when you got braces: 26

How long you had them: 14 months

Price: $5,000

Why you got them: My teeth shifted since I stopped wearing my retainer after high school.

Was it worth it: Yes.

“I got braces when I was in middle school and again in my 20s because I didn’t keep up with wearing my retainer—biggest mistake ever! Getting braces as an adult was a completely cosmetic choice: I thought it was the better long-term option over veneers, which seem to be everyone's go-to these days.

Overall, the experience wasn't too bad. I think Invisalign would have been more ‘sightly,’ but I didn’t trust myself to be responsible for taking the trays in and out and knew traditional braces would be much more effective.

I love my teeth now. I know it was expensive, but of all the options, it was the best financial decision for me. Well, second best: The best would have been wearing my retainer the first time. I can't stress that enough.”

“My teeth basically look the same—maybe worse.”

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Name: Jennifer E.

Age when you got braces: 42

How long you had them: Two years

Price: $3,600

Why you got them: I wanted to straighten out my bottom teeth.

Was it worth it: No.

“It wasn’t a completely bad experience. It was painful at times and a bit of a nuisance to always clean them, but it wasn’t terrible. However, I ended up needing braces much longer than expected (I thought it would only be six months to a year for my specific concerns, but I had them on for two years).

My bottom teeth have shifted again, which was the entire reason for getting braces in the first place. Also, you have to make sure that you brush near your gum line really well or else you’ll get calcium deposits (they look like tartar on your teeth and can’t be removed). Now, I have these white spots on a couple of my bottom teeth, so I think they may actually look worse than before.”

“I’m so much more confident since getting braces at 38.”

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Name: Erika B.

Age when you got braces: 38

How long you had them: 16 months

Price: $6,200

Why you got them: We couldn’t afford them when I was a kid, so I decided to get them in my 30s.

Was it worth it: Yes

“A big factor in my decision was that I’m a content creator, so I always have a camera in my face. While looking back at videos, I noticed my crooked teeth more and more.

Ultimately, I had a great experience! The wire adjustments made it annoying to eat and chew for the first week afterward but in my opinion, these ‘side effects’ were absolutely worth it. It was painful at some points of the process but I am extremely happy with the results! ALL SMILES, ALL DAY! I’m so much more confident, and I love it!”

“As someone with major dental anxiety, I still thought the results were worth it.”

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Name: Samantha M.

Age when you got braces: 34

How long you had them: A year and a half

Price: Free (I worked in administration for an orthodontics practice, and one of the benefits was free braces)

Why you got them: My teeth started gapping in the front in my early 20s, and I became self-conscious about it.

Was it worth it: Yes.

“Ironically, I have severe dental anxiety, so the process was stressful at first. That said, even with the pain being extra terrible for me (because of my anxiety), I would still say the results were very worth it. I’m so happy with how my teeth look and can’t stop smiling!”

“The experience was great, but there’s only one thing I regret.”

Name: Sondra Z.

Age when you got braces: 36

How long you had them: 15 months

Price: $2,000 (I only had braces on my bottom teeth)

Why you got them: My bottom teeth were getting crowded, and I wanted to fix them for cosmetic reasons.

Was it worth it: Yes—with one major caveat.

“I got adult braces back in 1985—so it’s been a while. But I remember when I got them off, my teeth looked perfect! I always got compliments on my smile both before and after, but after the braces, I finally believed them: I felt more confident while talking because I wasn’t wondering whether or not people were staring at my crooked teeth.

There's only one thing I regret: Not wearing my retainer to keep them fully in line. My teeth aren’t as crooked as they were pre-braces, but I’ll admit they slipped back a little as a result of not doing this.”

“Getting braces in my 50s improved my smile, appearance, and confidence.”

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Name: Kimberly T.

Age when you got braces: 52

How long you had them: 10 months

Price: $5,700

Why you got them: My dentist recommended braces due to crowding on my lower jaw, which only got worse during cancer treatment.

Was it worth it: Yes.

“I tried Invisalign first but failed miserably (I took them out every night while sleeping due to the discomfort). So I got traditional braces on my bottom teeth instead—and now they look pretty! There were times when the metal rubbed against my mouth, which created small abrasions and cuts, but those were minor.

Wearing braces in my 50s made me a bit self-conscious at times, but the results speak for themselves! They improved my smile, overall appearance, and, most importantly, my confidence. If you’re considering this decision, I would highly recommend it!”


Originally Appeared on SELF