Adrenaline Junkie Brothers Ski Terrifyingly Narrow Couloir

Jakob and Matthias Weger know a thing or two about tight couloirs and going wicked fast.

In their latest video, they tackled "possibly the narrowest couloir [they've] ever ridden."

Warning: I'd be careful watching this one if you have a weak stomach. It's truly gnarly.

In recent years, it's felt like freeskiing's primary vector of progress has been towards aerial maneuvers, with professionals whipping up wilder and wilder combinations of spins and flips.

The Weger brothers are headed in the opposite direction, though, finding ways to secure heart-in-your-throat thrills without catching any airtime.

Calling what the Weger brothers did in this video "thrilling" or "terrifying" somehow feels like an understatement. Words can't really do it justice. The line they chose is true no-fall zone skiing.

They have competition, particularly in Norwegians Nikolai Schirmer and Krister Røhme Kopala, who often team up to make blisteringly fast descents of hallway-esque couloirs.

If all this talk of straight lines and couloirs sounds appealing, the Weger brothers YouTube channel is a great place to start. Tune in here.

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