Adorable Sea Otter Making ‘Otter Biscuits’ Is Too Cute To Resist

If you're looking for something to brighten up your day, this video that @k_passionate (AKA KP) shared in mid-November of an adorable sea otter making otter biscuits is definitely it. It's the cutest thing you'll see today, guaranteed!

KP is a marine biologist who's lucky enough to be able to spend her days working with sea otters, walruses, polar bears, and more. She starts by explaining that sea otters spend a huge amount of their day grooming to keep their fur waterproof. To us that looks like they're kneading their fur, which resembles making biscuits. She goes on to say that she thinks the reason they do it is because it feels good, and when watching Libby the otter do it, I'd have to agree!

Isn't that just adorable?! Libby put herself to sleep by making biscuits! It must be very soothing, and it seems to be a form of self-care for them. I could watch them all day!

Related: Video of Sea Otter and Her Baby Cuddling in the Harbor Is the Definition of Sweetness

@KP's commenters loved the cute video of the otters as well. @ericsmith9838 got cheeky and asked, "Would you say they're making sea biscuits?" @jess is all of us when she pointed out, "I’m sobbing! Every time I think otters can’t get ANY cuter I get proven wrong". And I'm with @thisislupus who shared, "I’m selling my house and quitting my job so I can move close to you and watch her make biscuits every day." Sounds good to me! @Leesha wraps it all up for us by saying simply, "Thanks for that dopamine hit"!

I could watch these adorable little otters all day. I'm totally jealous that KP gets to do it for a living!

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