Adorable Pandas Playing in the Snow Are Full of Holiday Cheer

If you're looking for something that will brighten up your day, this video of pandas playing in the snow that captured will do it! The video was shared at the end of November 2023, and I could literally watch it all day!

The video starts with a giant panda bear doing a somersault in the snow. To her right is her adorable cub who she grabs so that she can show the baby how to roll over, and they do it together. She then grabs her baby and puts it on her chest. It looks like mom might even be smiling! The rest of the video is full of can actually see it!

That mama was giving her baby all kinds of love! Those hugs and snuggles were so sweet, and it looks like she may have even been tickling her little one. I can't even with all of the cuteness that's packed into these 30 seconds. It's pure joy!

Related: Impressive Video Gives a Rare Glimpse of the Only All-White Panda in the World commenters enjoyed the cute pandas playing in the snow as much as I did. @pP101 said, "Momma keepin’ baby close even in the roll!" @conniearivett7 swooned, "Awwww mom & baby playing, how sweet!" @tqrlj47 laughed, "It was upside down I didn’t realize at first!"

Fun Facts About Pandas

While watching pandas play in the snow is fun for all of us, pandas like it for a different reason. The snow helps to camouflage them by using their black and white coloring to their advantage. Who are panda predators? People of course, as well as leopards, snow leopards, and even wild dogs as well as domesticated dogs will attack panda cubs.

According to National Geographic for Kids, 99% of a panda's diet consists of bamboo. They occasionally eat small animals and fish, but they love bamboo! They actually eat for up to 12 hours a day, gulping down up to almost 30 pounds of bamboo.

Baby pandas are born pink and are only about the size of a pencil at birth! They are born blind and won't open their eyes until six to eight weeks after birth. Cubs are born one or two at a time to mom and will stay with her for up to 18 months.

Pandas are different from most bears because they do not hibernate to get through the winter. Their homes are in the mountains of China, and as it starts getting colder, they'll head down to where the temperatures are warmer where they'll spend the cold season.

I really never thought of pandas as being playful animals, but I guess this video proved me wrong!

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